Light Up the Artworks With These Tips
A piece of art can give a lively feel to your home. To make this liveliness more attractive it is good to light up your artworks. There are so many points that have to be kept in mind while doing this. One thing gone wrong can’t give you what you expected.
Understand the balance of light
Each artwork has different color and the different texture, you can’t lit every piece in the same manner. One piece may look good in dim light but others may not.
Determine the lighting option
There are many options in lighting the artworks like accent lighting, track lighting etc. One must take care of the type of lighting that suits best.
Think over the frames and works’ surface
Less steep lighting angle will be suitable for artworks with frames and works under glass. Consideration must be given to the medium of painting also, in order to preserve the originality.
Light the whole work
Lighting the artworks at the top may leave the bottom dark. Then it will be better to light it from the bottom.
Avoid incandescent lamps
Avoid using highly exposed incandescent lamps with high wattage. The heat they emit may cause the colors to fade or varnish to break. Use LED bulbs as they don’t emit ultraviolet or Infrared and also the heat that can damage delicate artworks. Energy savings, lower cost, and better power distribution are the other benefits of LED.
Positioning the artwork
Position the artwork smartly. Think well before you hang them because placing the artwork between the windows don’t give the proper view of the piece in the daylight.
Just keep in mind the above points before you plan to light up your artworks. Next important side is the types of lights used for this purpose. The mainly used types are mentioned below.
Ceiling Mounted Accent Light
Spotlights with glare control and controlled light are the best option not only to light your artwork but also the sculptures. These lights can be surface mounted or recessed. There is a freedom to adjust the direction of the light.
Track Lights
Modern LED to a track is really sleek. They are highly flexible and have a collection of huge variety styles.
Wall Washers
These lights are a fantastic option for all kind of artworks. If you are constantly changing your style, you don’t need to change the lighting system. This is the main advantage of wall washer lights. They are of different sizes, shapes, and colors and can be placed on floors, ceilings, and walls.
Artwork Lights
These lights are either mounted on the wall or fixed to the frame. There are artwork lights using LEDs, adding up to an advantage. They can give a dynamic intimacy in a room.
Use a Room
You have a collection of artworks but not interested to show off in your room with lighting up them. Then you can use a room to arrange your artwork collection and can use a pendant light that creates omnidirectional light that doesn’t make any shadows or textures.
Your loved artwork can turn into a boring piece if the lighting is not done properly. Do make sure you are guided well before you hang them. For a good assistance in this field, you may contact Balak Ram Banrasi Dass and Sons, Patel Nagar, Delhi.